MySQL admin, what are the general tasks?
So, a brief introduction: the administration object is database server MySQL.
All the actions related to the engine installation, configuring, data restoration, and performance tuning are the matter of MySQL admin.
Brief MySQL history ecosystem overview: Initially, it was an open-source product, MySQL. Later, Oracle obtained MySQL, and the following projects were forked: MariaDB Percona Server.
For default out-of-the-box deploying, it’s easier to use MySQL for specific reasons – MariaDB or Percona.
All distribution packages, including the MySQL kernel, have specific features to improve performance scalability. These features include optimized data storage, thread pools, slow query debugging, and statistical analysis. The ready-to-use binaries are primarily intended for Linux and Windows operating systems. However, FreeBSD and other Unix systems can use the provided sources for compilation and building.
To make the MySQL servers run securely and fast, MySQL admin must execute the following tasks regularly:
- compilation, building sources, installation of binaries of MySQL databases server;
- modules, drivers (JDBC, ODBC, etc.) deployment of the database server;
- upgrade database and the server;
- start, stop daemon;
- dropping databases and uninstalling database servers;
- database creation;
- users, roles creation;
- providing secure access to servers and databases;
- databases and its tables content restoring;
- automation backups of databases;
- errors parsing and exceptions, triggering, notifications;
- performance tuning of databases server.
MySQL admin packages
To provide the above operations, MySQL admin uses a variety of tools. Among them are:
- Shell console;
- phpMyAdmin;
- MySQL Workbench;
- Bash, Perl scripts.
As a MySQL administrator, it’s crucial to use tools and optimize the automation workflow to ensure stable and fast databases. This involves setting triggers for specific database and system states and creating corresponding reply actions, such as sending notifications and executing remote commands. Additionally, monitoring database statistics is crucial, and MySQL provides graphical representations with live updates to aid in this process.